Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shoutin out and spreadin some love! and A GIVEAWAY!

So my lovely friend Katria is having a blog give away, and in order to allow myself more and more chances to win, I am givin her "Massive Props" and a "Word". Lol... wow I'm glad I don't really use words like that... it comes out so geeky. But we have been friends for a REALLY long time and have some wonderful memories together, some crazy ones too, but a lot of good ones!

AND I'll give some sweet shout outs to Chilly, another amazing friend. Though i haven't known her nearly as long as Katria, I have a deep appreciation for her ability to keep Katria happy, and also how well she keeps her blog updated! YAY FOR CHILLY! (And I think it's amazing that she's giving away such a freakin cool prize on her blog! PIRATES FOREVER!!!

Also I'm going to copy this game they both have to see what interesting thing pop up for me! I don't really have anything cool to give away... OH WAIT!! I know!! Whoever wins my little giveaway.. I will make them a custom blog logo (like my pretty Creative Moments one up top here on my blog) made to their specifications. That's about the most talent I have so I'm going with that for now! And even if you don't want my almost cool prize

The Blogging Game

Here is a fun little game... leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark... get set... blog those memories!

So getta thinkin about how cool you think I am and any none humiliating memories you have of me! I'm off to get an all ice snow cone!! (no flavor is the best flavor!!)


Katria said...

See, the thing is, having known you as long as I have it's mostly the humiliating memories that stick out to me. Because there were a lot of them. Like that one time when we were at girls' camp and you- well, you know. Or those one music vidoes we made. Ha. But less humiliating is that one sleep over we had and we painted/built my dad a clock that was Tim Allen Home Improvement-ish. Good times all around. Mostly.

Shay Tayler and Levi said...

i remeber when i first met you in sixth grade. and we were in the tv show together with rachelle. it crazy, with all the average size people in the world most my friends up being my size. which was nice cuz i never really felt to short for my age.

Shay Tayler and Levi said...

oh ya. i accedentally wrote down the wrong name for this memory blog thing. not that it's a big deal. but it's the Memory Game. so you can change it if you want.