Thursday, January 29, 2009

Confessions of a grown up Disney fan...

As I watch my daughters grow up, I am excited to see their interest in all things Disney. We love watching some of the old Disney classics so as they can know the characters at Disneyland and be excited about it. Oddly enough as I watch some of these movies I haven't seen in years, I discover some new and rather interesting points in these films. Yesterday, in watching Peter Pan, I discovered that Peter is probably one of the most arrogant main characters ever and he's quit the pimp! Also, I find it odd how much tinkerbell is celebrated now when in the movie she is rather maniacal, openly admitting to tryin to kill wendy! Another movie I was pretty disturbed by is Tarzan. At the end when Clayton dies... Honestly probably one of the scariest Disney deaths I've seen! I mean come on!!!! You just don't show a man hanging there dead with lightning flashing! It's scary!!!

I find myself enjoying but over analyzing the newer movies of Disney, like the Little Mermaid prequel, Wall-E, and tinkerbell. They are much more kid friendly and politically correct, though they are still cartoons and some of the basic laws of nature don't apply. But hey, that's why it's entertaining right?

Also... You may have noticed I'm attempting to revamp my page, so hang in there with me until it's beautiful again!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A hopefully LONG blog.

Okay! So I know I'm a lame blogger and because of such, no one really checks my blog. So for those few followers who have nothing new to read, this ones for you!

SO! Firstly here are some of my pictures from Christmas!

How beautiful my sister in laws tree is! I love it! SO cute!
This is my precious niece Andrea, who is about 2 months younger than Kylie. She's a very chill baby and I love her to death!
One of our family traditions which i know quite a few families that do as well, opening our pajamas on Christmas Eve so we can look cute for Christmas morning!

Me and my Ky-Pie just hanging out. Kylie was very entranced by all the shiny packages and crinkling of tissue paper.

My dad enjoying one of life's simple pleasures.... the Slinky.

K... This is one of my family traditions that we've had for as long as I can remember. This is "The Big Sock". My grandma and grandpa Anderson bring it with them from California every year and fill it with all kinds of random toys and candy and just anything you can think of really. Then it is dumped out on the floor and everyone goes mad grabbing for misc. stuff until it's gone. It's kinda random, but I LOVE it!

Kaitlyn and Grandma Bev checking out the spoils of the big sock. (I have no idea what she's holding!)
This year was our first Christmas Eve we stayed in our own house as a family. the past few years we've stayed with family but we thought it'd be fun for the girls to have Santa come to our house this year!
Kylie Grace totally mystified by the lights on our tree!

Check out what Santa brought Kaitlyn! 5 AM Christmas morning she came downstairs and saw this slide and in her sleepy, broken, 2 year old speech, started saying "SWIDE! SWIDE! WEEEEE!" I swear she went down that thing 50 times before we could get her to look at any other presents!

This cabinet was really meaningful for me to do for Kaitlyn. It used to be in my little play kitchen when I was a little girl and I thought it was gone, but my aunt actually had it and it had gone through so many layers of paint over 20 years that we had to sand it down through about 8 different layers of paint so we could repaint it. We added new hardware and matched it to the little kitchen she got for her birthday. She was so excited! which is really good because Alex was up till 4 AM christmas eve painting it so it could be ready!

Opening some gifts.

Kylie's gift from Santa! it's a "Jumperoo". Oh the entertainment!

As you can tell, she was ECSTATIC about everything!

Alex got cowboys stuff.... he's a happy camper!

Next is photo's from the christmas lights at the temple. My dad is the sole coordinator of all the christmas lights for the St. George temple. He did an awesome job this year so me and ray went to document and enjoy some of his work!

A lot of people were really impressed with the new LED lights they added to the temple grounds this year. They are super bright and look so beautiful!

Ray in all her photographing glory.... the butt sticking out is a must!

Light by the front gate! SO pretty!!

The visitor center was all decked out in christmas as well! Jesus is always in the holiday mood! :)

Please note, as part of the volunteer set up crew, I personally helped wrap these trees which have about 30 strands of lights on each tree! I got dizzy after walking around wrapping the trunks.

Now, here's some good stuff with my kids!

Big sister holding little sister! So precious!

Kaitlyn was Tinkerbell for Halloween. (Yes i know it was a while ago but I wanted to show you anyways!)

Kylie was a mermaid! SO cute!

Playing in the snow in Zion National Park.

Kylie's Blessing Day!

Slidin at Jumpin Jacks!
Kylie wanted to ride too! :)

My beautiful daughter and her adorable smile!

Let's wrap things up with a naked baby picture! Nothin like a cute nude girl to put a smile on your face!! lol :)

Well, that's about all I got for right now, it's getting late and i'm hearing a little one still awake upstairs. Hope you enjoyed the pictures and I'm REALLY going to start updating more often! Toodles for now!