Monday, August 18, 2008

Fun with Jewelery and Stickers

So, this is gonna be a pretty lazy post. I went to my doctor today and I'm dilated to a 3 and should be having my baby any day now, which will be much relief for my discomfort and an exciting new responsibility to add to my life. SO! With that in mind, I'm not feeling super high energy, but I really wanted to get these pictures of Kaitlyn up before I forget, even though I didn't really get a chance to edit them just yet! First ones, we played dress up with my jewelery... it was fun. Second group... she got into our left over yard sale stickers and kept running back and forth between me and daddy to get more stickers put on. It was lots of fun and she thought it was hilarious. So that's about all I can manage to get on for right now, but enjoy!

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